The Emergo Train System Pre-hospital set includes all training material you need to design, set up and run pre-hospital exercises. It can for example be used to test preparedness and management of a major incident.
The set includes:
- Staff symbols (for example paramedics, nurses, doctors, police, rescue)
- Vehicle symbols (for example ambulances, fire brigade, police cars, helicopters)
- Signs to visualize an incident site, first aid post, transportation, resources
- Photos, symbols illustrating incidents
- Treatment stickers
- Different templates, for example treatment time, reports
The Pre-hospital set is available in three sizes: large, medium, small. For exact content of the sets, please contact the ETS Competence center.
To the Pre-hospital set you connect different victim banks according to your need. For example:
ETS trauma victim bank >>>
ETS uninjured/psychological shock victim bank >>>