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ETS Figurant cards

The Emergo Train System Figurant cards can be used for pre-hospital exercises using figurants acting injured. All the figurant cards are based on the data in the Emergo Train System® trauma bank and each figurant card corresponds to a magnetic patient symbol. This makes it possible to continue an exercise from a pre-hospital exercise using figurants, to an in-hospital setting using magnetic patients and whiteboards. Example of this from a big exercise in Australia can be viewed here >>>


fig171 eng frontwThe front side of the figurant card illustrates what the Medical staff see and hear on a distance before examining the patient. The information on the front side is the same as on the front side of the magnetic ETS patient symbol. Added on the figurant card is also a picture of the visible injury.






fig171 eng backwThe back side of the card illustrates the information the Medical staff will find when examine the patient. This information is the same as on the ETS magnetic patient symbol. Added on the figurant card is a photo of the injury and an instruction for the figurant of how to act.








The figurant cards are available in a 50 and a 100 set.

In the sets is included:

  • figurant cards (50 or 100)
  • strings to the cards
  • laminated document with category description and sorting of patients/categories
  • CD with presentation of the figurant cards in PPT


About ETS

Emergo Train System (ETS) is an academic / educational simulation system used in several countries around the world for training and testing the preparedness and management of emergencies, major incidents and disasters.

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