Order ETS training material
You can order the Emergo Train System training material if you have a certificate as an ETS Senior Instructor.

You can order the Emergo Train System training material if you have a certificate as an ETS Senior instructor.
The Emergo Train System sets are designed for pre-hospital and hospital exercises. Standard training sets are available in different languages.
Detailed description of the ETS material
Description of the different ETS sets can be viewed here.
Detailed list of contents of all the ETS sets and prices are available on the Senior instructor zone on this website (requires a login as a Senior instructor, please read more here). You can also contact the ETS Competence centre for information regarding content and prices.
ETS Competence centre
E-mail: info@emergotrain.com
Tel: +46-10-103 7490
Order form
Order form ETS material
Order form for order ETS material from the ETS Competence Centre.
Information about how to order ETS material
Please fill in the order form and send it to us by email. When we received your order, we will send you an order confirmation by email. In the confirmaiton will be stated when the order will be shipped (usually an order can be shipped 4-5 weeks from order date). Shipping cost is not included in the price of training material. We can provide you in advance what the price will for shipping will be.
If you need a quote of the ETS training material, please send us an email stating the number of sets and sizes and we will arrange that.