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Expanded bank of survivors for the ETS Psychosocial support material

The ETS psychosocial support training material is developed in order to practice coordination and psychological first aid for situations in everyday life as well as major incidents.

The material consists of survivors in various ages, family circumstances and life situations to reflect a normal population of survivors of a major incident. The survivors have different reactions and different coping abilities. This demands individual assessment of the psychological first aid and individual assessment of the follow-up that is needed.

We have now expanded the bank with additional 50 survivors. They consist of a larger number of survivors with disabilities, complex social situations and mental problems.


In the new edition of ETS Psychosocial support material we have also added gender and approximate age on the front side of the survivor symbol. 

Patient 368ENw      Journalkort 368 ENw

The Psychosocial support set includes all the material needed to set up exercises; staff symbols, signs, survivors, conversation cards, stickers to visualize actions taken during psychological first aid, evaluation templates and manual.

News psychosocial 210914w   

The material is available in two sizes; medium including survivors 301-400 and small including survivors 301-350.

For further information, contact the ETS Competence center This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

About ETS

Emergo Train System (ETS) is an academic / educational simulation system used in several countries around the world for training and testing the preparedness and management of emergencies, major incidents and disasters.

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