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Gold Coast University Hospital’s mass casualty exercise

The Gold Coast University Hospital’s had on November 29 a mass casualty exercise using Emergo Train System (ETS). The scenario was a semi-trailer crashed through barriers into temporary grandstands at a motorsport event and resulted in 120 people (from the ETS trauma bank) were brought to hospitals. The aim of the exercise was to develop the Gold Coast University Hospital’s capability to work intraoperably to manage the response to a surge event in accordance with the Emergency Preparedness Continuity Management plan and Mass Casualty plans. 

ICRC training in Syria

ETS have been used by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) for several years in their international missions and trainings. Last week ICRC held a Basic Awareness and Preparing for Emergencies (BAPE) course and two ICRC hybrid MIC workshop. The course and workshops with 40 participants in each were held in the Tartus Governorate in Syria.

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Development project ETS Humanitarian set

The ETS Competence center have a project together with the International Committee of the Red Cross to develop an ETS Humanitarian set that can be used by ICRC in their missions in areas affected by armed conflict and other situations of violence. 

Swedish Senior instructor course

We wish good luck with exercises for the 20 new Swedish ETS Senior instructors from seven regions and universities in Sweden who participated in this week's Swedish course!

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Mass casualty exercise in Montréal

The ETS faculty in Canada organized in October a mass casualty exercise using Emergo Train System. The scenario had more than 100 injuries and included both pre-hospital and in-hospital training. For example coordination between the citys hospitals to check availability at ER, OR and ICU in a mass casulaty incident  The exercise was held at Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal (CHUM) and involved more than 60 doctors, paramedics and administrators. 

The exercise is described in an article in Montréal Gazette >>>

ETS Psychosocial support instructor course in Scania

This week, the ETS Competence Center held an ETS Psychosocial Support Instructor course for the County Administrative Board of Skåne/Scania in southern Sweden. Participants from various municipalities in the region attended the training to enhance their ability to meet future psychosocial support needs. 

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About ETS

Emergo Train System (ETS) is an academic / educational simulation system used in several countries around the world for training and testing the preparedness and management of emergencies, major incidents and disasters.

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