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International Emergo Train System workshop, London 2014

Public Health England (PHE) would like to extend an invitation to you to attend an international Emergo Train System workshop in London, England, March 26 2014.

The workshop is fully funded by PHE and endorsed by the Emergo Train System Competence Centre.

The aim of the workshop is to provide an opportunity for Emergo Educators, Senior instructors and Faculty representatives to Exchange and develop ideas regarding the use of the Emergo Train System. The workshop will include presentations and discussions about ETS as well as facilitated activities to discuss future developments.

To book:
To secure your Place at the workshop please Contact: Steve North e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Invitation and programme can be downloaded from below.

Invitation and program ETS international workshop 2014    

Title  Owner Category Size (Kb) Modified Date 
Invitation and program Administrator Account  Pdf 60.01 1/15/2014

About ETS

Emergo Train System (ETS) is an academic / educational simulation system used in several countries around the world for training and testing the preparedness and management of emergencies, major incidents and disasters.

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